Coach Lisa leading a group of students across the finish line. They are all dressed in yellow "Art of Running" shirts

Helping Runners Realize Their Goals

So You Can Train With Confidence

Helping Runners Realize Their Goals

So You Can Train With Confidence

Running With A Coach Means …

⏱Reaching Goals Faster With A Clear Plan

* ˚ ✦Optimizing Your Potential With Evidence-Based Strategies

πŸƒReceiving Meaningful Feedback And Support

An icon symbolizing a list of objectives

Guided Planning

We’ll help you develop a clear, step-by-step path to connect your current status to your goals

An icon symbolizing a holistic approach to run coaching

Holistic Approach

Coaching that promotes strength, mobility, mental fortitude, fueling confidently, and race day preparation

Authentic Community

Build community, connections, and relationships that will flourish outside of your training plan


How To Get Started

Talk To An Expert

Start Your Plan

The ART in ART of Running stands for Adventuring on Roads and Trails, and that’s what we do! Want to run a mile, a marathon, or 100 miles? There is no goal too big or too small!

As certified run coaches, our priority is to help you safely navigate the intersection of your running goals with the demands of the rest of your life.

  • All of our runners are unique, so we craft custom training plans to help you become the best version of yourself. You are your own most valuable asset, and your dreams are absolutely worth pursuing. Reach out to us to get your pursuit started!